Coming to Moe’s Alley on Thursday, December 15th, our Maui songbird, songwriter Anuhea, performs with Justin Young. Both of these talented Islanders bring pride in their heritage, and their magnificent musical skills to Moe’s Alley.
Anuhea, along with Justin Young, will bring you holiday jams direct from the Hawaiian Islands. In the cold of midwinter, this might be the touch of warmth you can use, and you may get some dinner in your belly at this Moe’s show.
In Hawaiian, “Jingle the bells” is “Kani kani pele.”
You are invited to decorate your Aloha shirt with a holiday twist, or go Island style on that seasonal reindeer sweater, dress as a surfing Santa or boogie-boarding Saint Nick. Anuhea and the boys will be judging your look!
Join in, frolic, follow along @anuheajams on the social media: Instagram; Twitter; Facebook & her website anuheajams.com