Today marks a moment that is simultaneously the culmination of nearly two years of presidential campaigns and elections, and the beginning of new leadership in the United States of America. The international interest in American politics presently speaks to one overarching theme: almost no one remains opinion-less. In looking at mainstream media’s portrayal of American politics, can we honestly continue to call the United States of America “united”?
The news we all receive from mainstream media is seldom unbiased, or whole. What are we, as consumers, to do when watching reports from events focused only on one perspective? If mainstream media attempted to fill this gap by reporting tit-for-tat, as most pro-con conversations between any two people from opposing parties goes, the news would be saturated with exaggerations of events. And isn’t that what we’ve all been consuming this entire 2016 election: exaggerated highlights?
Where do we turn in times like these where the sources we once knew and trusted reveal their true biases, and is it enough to accept the media that matches your biases? KZSC is located on the campus of UC Santa Cruz, where students tout the slogan “The Original Authority on Questioning Authority.” We are asking that you join us in pushing back against sources heightening sensitivities and division. We strive to provide unbiased news and reports, this time, from Washington, D.C. and the San Francisco Bay Area.
Tune in this Friday and Saturday to KZSC for updates from DJs who will be in our nation’s capital, as well as our home of Santa Cruz, CA and the greater Bay Area. No exaggerations, only eye-witness accounts from us to you. KZSC’s students are teaming up with Student Media at UCSC to send student reporters to D.C. and create multimedia projects based on these events and more. “Like” Santa Cruz Media Coalition on Facebook for more unbiased media that’s to come. And, of course, keep an eye out on KZSC’s Facebook page, Instagram, and Twitter for more reports and photographs.