On Tuesday, March 26th, 2019, Hip Hop Director RIZZYSTAYDIZZY visited WCUA College Radio located at the Catholic University of America in Brookland, MD. Read below his six-part series pop-up visits to radio stations in the DC-Maryland area!
12:16 – Mobbin’ solo-dolo on the metro, I hop off the redline train at Brookland-CUA. I walk about four blocks to the Law school of CUA and approached the front desk where a wonderful lady helped me find direction to CUA. I walk across the long-grassy quad area of CUA to hit up the “Pryz.” I open the large double doors with a big smile and walk up a flight of stairs.
I approach the front desk of the Pryz building and ask where the radio station is located. Lucky enough the people working knew exactly where the station manager was and brought him to me. William Tishuk and I had about a ten-minute conversation about our respective radio stations and he was surprised that people outside of DC-MD area knew about his station.
Read more about WCUA below & peep some pictures RSD took!
History/background of your radio station
“Our earliest beginnings were in 1922 when students experimented with radio broadcasting equipment. They were able to build their own working radio transmitters. But it was not until 1958 that the club was officially organized. Since then, the organization has been moved around campus and has now found a home in the Edward J. Pryzbyla Center (“Pryz” for short). We have a compact station that we make the most out of.”
Broadcasting online or FM
“Online at wcua.caster.fm. We hope that an FM frequency is a possible acquisition in the years to come.”
How many students / DJs at your station? How does one become a DJ?
“We have 120 members and about 30-40 active DJs. One can become a DJ by simply emailing the Station Manager at [email protected].”
Does your station get enough funding from your university/college?
“Yes, we are very gracious for the funding that the university provides for us. The university was kind enough to permit broadcasting in the food court. So students can enjoy their peers’ programs while grabbing lunch or dinner.”
What makes your station, your station? | What is your image?
“It is the students and their creativity that makes WCUA unique. Many students have expressed desires to help out in an abundance of ways which I am very grateful for.”
“What do you expect your station to look like / sound like / be in the future?”
“We hope that WCUA can become the ‘sound’ of campus. We hope to expand listeners and broadcast coverage. I hope that WCUA can become a common household name in and around the campus community. I hope it can generate a reputation for being a premiere radio station in the DMV area. We have a unique opportunity being based in the nation’s capitol. It is our duty to make the most of this great opportunity.”
Thanks to the current General Manager, William Tishuk, for hosting me! Stay tuned for the blog of the other five DC radio stations RSD visited! — Read more about WCUA above & peep some pictures RSD took!