I just saw this really awesome picture taken in France that commemorated the 9/11 attack 11 years ago and thought I’d share with the readers out there. It’s always pretty cool to witness some love from foreign countries.
1 EVOCATION Tales From The Tomb
1 EVOCATION Tales From The Tomb
2 VISION OF DISORDER The Cursed Remain Cursed Candlelight
3 SVOLK Nights Under The Round Table Napalm
4 GALLOWS Gallows Bridge 9
5 TEXAS IN JULY Texas In July [Radio EP] Equal Vision
1 FACELESS Autotheism Sumerian
2 KATATONIA Dead End Kings Peaceville
3 TESTAMENT Dark Roots Of Earth Nuclear Blast
4 CHARIOT One Wing eOne
5 DUBLIN DEATH PATROL Death Sentence Mascot
6 STRATOVARIUS Under Flaming Winter Skies Eagle Rock
7 LAST VEGAS Bad Decisions FrostByte
8 GYPSYHAWK Revelry And Resilience Metal Blade
9 EX DEO Caligvla Napalm
10 OBEY THE BRAVE Young Blood Epitaph