It’s that time of year again – people are making costumes, buying candy, and starting blog posts in the most clichéd ways imaginable. That’s right, anonymous internet stranger, it’s time for Halloween! That can only mean one thing: time for some tunes to soundtrack that spookiest of holidays! Below are a few classics for your listening pleasure:
Slint – Nosferatu Man
Never mind the fact that the song’s title alludes to the classic 1922 German horror film, it’s the atmosphere of it which really amps up the creepiness factor. With lyrics about a prince in a dark castle, attempting to “please [his] queen,” and subsequently chasing a trespasser into the darkness, the song is perfect for an eerie Halloween night. Its off-kilter beat creates a tension which puts the listener on edge, a trick which ultimately becomes a treat (See, cause it’s Halloween! Get it? Hello? Where did everyone go?)
Ramones – Chainsaw
From the fathers of punk rock comes something a little more upbeat but no less appropriate. The song is all about the use of the titular instrument being used in all sorts of creepy and terrifying ways. The most disturbing aspect of the song, however, may be Joey Ramone’s pronunciation of the word “massacre.” What’s up with that?
Bobby “Boris” Pickett & The Crypt Kickers – Monster Mash
I never claimed to be original.