Consider this: during any other year, almost every single album listed below would be an album of the year, and at the very least a top 5 record. However, 2012 isn’t just any other year. I’ve said this time and time again, but this is quite arguably the greatest single year in recent loud rock history. It doesn’t get better than this folks. Oh wait, yes it does: Deftones’ newest record drops in 2 weeks. Still unconvinced?
1 NEUROSIS Honor Found In Decay Neurot
2 GEOFF TATE Kings And Thieves Century
3 KAMELOT Silverthorn SPV
4 EARLY GRAVES Red Horse No Sleep
5 PARKWAY DRIVE Atlas Epitaph
1 CONVERGE All We Love We Leave Behind Epitaph
2 ENSLAVED Riitiir Nuclear
3 METALOCALYPSE: DETHKLOK Dethalbum III Cartoon Network
4 ABIOTIC Symbiosis Metal Blade
5 MOTORHEAD The World Is Ours, Vol. 2: Anyplace Crazy As Anywhere Else UDR
6 DOWNFALL OF GAIA Suffocating In The Swarm Of Cranes Metal Blade
7 WINTERSUN Time Nuclear Blast
8 BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME The Parallax II: Future Sequence Metal Blade
9 HAARP MACHINE Disclosure Sumerian
10 ALL DINOSAURS Rules Of Civility And Decent Behavior Self-Released