Alas, it is time once again to bring ourselves back into reality. However, that also means more awesome music for the masses. This week brings some really neat stuff out of Corsair, a band that actually self released their first full length album back in April, but is now signed with Shadow Kingdom Records, and thus is releasing it under them on January 23rd.
Of course, a name you don’t need any introduction to, Rammstein is also on this week’s list. Expect lots of creepy, yet awesome, piano interludes.
I sincerely hope you all had a great break during the holidays. Here’s to another metal year!
1 CORSAIR Corsair Shadow Kingdom
2 RAMMSTEIN Mein Herz Brennt [EP] Universal
3 CODE ORANGE KIDS Love Is Love/Return To Dust Deathwish
1 DOWNFALL OF GAIA Suffocating In The Swarm Of Cranes Metal Blade
3 ENSLAVED Riitiir Nuclear
4 GOJIRA L’Enfant Sauvage Roadrunner
5 SOUL CYCLE Soul Cycle II
6 AMENRA Mass V Neurot
7 DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA Pandora’s Pinata Sensory
8 HYPNO5E Acid Mist Tomorrow
9 NEUROSIS Honor Found In Decay Neurot
10 HIGH ON FIRE De Vermis Mysteriis eOne