As our spring show schedule begins, things get fuzzy at The Great 88. KZSC’s April Programmer Of The Month is living proof. Kendra Yoshinaga (aka DJ Teenage Dinosaur) does a show called “Fuzz Tone” Friday nights. It’s a retro garage, experimental and lo-fi show with more fuzzy noise than a fluffy orange cat stuffed in a Christmas sweater. Kendra has been at KZSC since she was a UCSC freshman during fall of 2011. You may remember “Japanoize”, a show that featured Japanese alternative rock. That was where she made her DJ debut. When she’s not rockin’ hard, fast and loud, Kendra feeds her other radio passion: talk and news programming. A secret ambition is to become an interviewer like “Fresh Air’s” Terry Gross. BTW, Gross was featured in an episode of the HBO comedy “Girls” which has fuzzy rock aplenty on its soundtrack…see the connection? Whether she’s doing a talk show like “Cruz Report” or presenting music, Kendra’s on-air delivery and DJ style sound impeccable. Find out for yourself. Check out “Hot Fuzz” with DJ Teenage Dinosaur Fridays from 7-8:30 pm on KZSC.