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Dylan october 2012

Quite frankly, I’m not happy about it, but what can you do? Reality has that annoying habit of being unavoidable.

In this case, KZSC is losing one of its very best DJs, just as we head into our fall schedule. Dylan Music (AKA DJ Oy-Dog) of Muzikal Jewz has to end his seven-year run with The Great 88.

The good news is that he has a job in radio. The bad news is the commute back to our side of the Monterey Bay is just too long. Two hours of driving to do a two-hour radio show on a day off is not a great plan. Many have tried and all have failed. It’s a tough deal, because, Muzikal Jewz has been one of the most iconic, humorous and straight-up delightful shows ever in the history of this college radio station. We can only hope that the fates bring him back to us someday. He knows he’s welcome anytime.