The spookiest season of the year is here! Perfect time for some charts of the best Loud Rock albums that have come out recently or are coming out soon! Blow out your eardrums and headbang along to these tasty new jams…
- Neurosis – Fires Within Fires
- 40 Watt Sun – Wider Than The Sky
- Subrosa – For This We Fought The Battle Of Ages
- Negura Bunget – Zi
- Truckfighters – V
- Pallbearer – Fear and Fury EP
- Blood Incantation – Starspawn
- Darkthrone – Arctic Thunder
- Brujeria – Pocho Aztlan
- Beelzefuzz – The Righteous Bloom
For doom metal fans, definitely check out Neurosis’ new album, especially the first track, “Bending Light.” SUPER heavy without using riffs as a crutch. Honestly up there with some of their best releases.
For those that like their metal faster, I would definitely recommend “Chaoplasm” off of Blood Incantation’s new album Starspawn. Death metal that immaculately balances raw aggression and atmosphere.
Catch DJ Catfish along with Firey Nairi Mondays 10 – Midnight on Cries & Whispers!