Interview by Angelo Claure, KZSC News Department

“I don’t think I can represent you, which is why I told people I want to organize alongside with you.” – SUA President, Alfredo Gama Salmeron
Angelo Claure 0:00
Good afternoon from KZSC, I’m here with my man Alfredo Gama Salmeron, President Elect. Introduce yourself, please.
Alfredo Gama Salmeron 0:11
Yes sir. We’re here with the GOAT. My brother Angelo. We’ve been through some rough ones, but survived our logic class where I met Angelo. Hi everyone, my name is Alfredo Gama Salmeron. My chosen name is Tlatoani Quetzalcoatl Xochipatli. And I say that because throughout this campaign, I was intentional about making sure people understand whose land we stand on. And where we’re going. I am from the Iguala, Guerrero de la Independencia. It is the home of the original tribe of the Olmeca back hundreds of years. But as you can see, we still out here thriving, surviving, and making sure that the land is protected, that the people who are part of the land, and the arteries of the land are supporting one another. So yeah, that’s a bit about me, I migrated back in when I was seven years old, to Los Angeles. And since then, I’ve just been riding the wave of life. And I got involved. Pretty early on my life, I felt that coming to this country, quote, unquote, “illegally” was the first act of resistance that I did when I was seven. So yeah, I think that’s where my first experience, I want to say organizing comes in, we literally had to organize to get to that border. They train you, they tell you what to say. And I would say it is one of the most bravest actions I’ve taken. Having been taken out by secret service out of presidential rallies, having gone to Standing Rock and confront armed, I want to say, colonizers who build pipelines on sacred land. So that’s a bit about me, I came to UCSC, and I saw it as a vacation. Because South Central Los Angeles where I grew up, right now, I think, is going through a transformation. And it’s pretty violent.
Just this summer, I had to speak out against the bombing of my neighborhood, which was when Los Angeles Police Department detonated pounds of fireworks in a residential neighborhood. And yeah, that’s, that’s the experience I had this summer. So coming to UCSC, I saw an opportunity to take a break from all that and get students together for for something better and greater. And coming off the pandemic, I felt that we had this normal pre pandemic, where it’s like people are okay with our friends being in the streets, people are okay with people at the top, just getting extreme amount of wealth, while people who don’t have anything, stay where they’re at, and usually fall deeper into the crack. So running for SUA president was an opportunity to share my ideas, and the ideas of our ancestors, which is we should always be striving for better and we cannot go back to normal. So that’s a bit about me. And looking forward to this conversation.
We still out here thriving, surviving, and making sure that the land is protected, that the people who are part of the land, and the arteries of the land are supporting one another.”
Angelo Claure 4:00
Thank you. Now that you’ve explained a bit about yourself and let people know about your experiences, how’s it feel to have won the election?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron 4:10
Yes, it feels relieving. I want to say when we first announced the campaign a lot of our friends were feeling a sense of isolation on campus. They were feeling a bit pressed for resources. A lot of our friends right now are going through homelessness, food insecurity. There are still, I want to say, attacks on Indigenous, African American and people of color on campus. So having ran a campaign with the issues that the communities I come from (specifically Indigenous students, African American students), having put out our platform out there, one of the first posters, one of our friends did was talking about existing proudly on campus. Where we are not just existing to exist, we are here to exist loudly. So having ran a campaign where we put Indigenous people, African American people at the center of our campaign on our issues, having experienced all the terror and isolation on campus, having won with that platform feels relieving, because it seems like UCSC is ready for something else. At least the overwhelming majority of students who voted for our campaign, I think are ready not only to come together as students, but to address the forces that are dividing and conquering. So yeah, it feels relieving. It feels exciting. And I’m excited for the next steps.
Having won with that platform feels relieving, because it seems like UCSC is ready for something else.”
Angelo Claure 6:08
Nice. And I’m excited for you. I know you worked hard, knocking on doors, face to face communication, which is I think, something very valuable, something that I don’t see too often. So I remember you showing up at Oakes, and I was like, wow, look at this man. Enthusiasm. I appreciate that, you know, face to face, getting votes, meeting, folks. That’s how you do it. Second question, what would be your first act as President?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron 6:34
Yes, thank you for that question. I think a lot of my actions that are coming forward, are based on those conversations that we that I was having while knocking on doors, I told myself like I have so many ideas that I’d like to implement. However, I am not here to represent anyone. I was very intentional with my rhetoric and the language that I used during the campaign, and one of it was telling people is that I don’t believe in representative politics. I don’t think I can represent you, which is why I told people I want to organize alongside with you. There’s this person by the name of Ella Josephine Baker, who a lot of folks don’t know about her, but was instrumental in advising Martin Luther King, advising all the people who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement. And she taught me the concept of servant leadership, where you’re a servant first. And through that service, you are exercising leadership, which led me to find one of her quotes, which is strong people don’t need strong leaders. And I really think that every single student here at UCSC, having talked to them having knocked on their doors, having even cried and laughed and worked so hard in this campaign. We are strong people. You know, UCSC is such an amazing place because the majority of our students are working class students, which I think is what my first act is based on. And we already did it.
A couple of weeks ago, or actually a week ago, I launched the party, which is the Politically Active Reignited Transformative Young’s party, which is a network of students, faculty and academic wide community, in solidarity and in union to bring about effective, meaning meaningful and time sensitive change. So there is a SUA, which is a Student Union Assembly, which is part of the institution. And we have to understand that the institution is not going to allow us to create the change that we seek to make because institution is benefiting from the status quo, the current system where students don’t have a voice don’t have any decision making power. Students only have advisory power to the administration. So the first act I took as president was launched a political organization that is autonomous and independent from the institution. So we have the freedom we have the liberty and we have the creativity and independence to create change both within and outside. Right, because as of right now, there’s a lot of students who are not involved in this SUA who have a bad experience with the SUA and I don’t intend to erase those experiences because that is part of the history. What I do intend to do moving forward is ensure that the party is an independent, autonomous, powerful student organization that is then using the SUA as a tool or organizing. So we don’t put all of our hopes into the SUA, but into an independent autonomous student led organization that has no ties to administration. Because, as it is right now, a lot of students fear administration, a lot of students get intimidated. And again, it’s because of decades of divide and conquer that people in power have done. So yeah, I think we already took our first action, which was, you know, making sure that people understand that there’s power outside of the system, and that the system is just there, and not necessarily the answer to to what the system has created as problems.
We have to understand that the institution is not going to allow us to create the change that we seek to make because institution is benefiting from the status quo.”
Angelo Claure 10:49
That’s fantastic. I think the fact that you won the election shows that people agree with you on that, and are inspired by the way you address these things. In relation to your prior experience with LACCD. How would you say that’s influenced you? And the way you look at things now?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron 11:07
Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay, I’ll do my best to, to put that in a nutshell in the next couple of minutes. So, I am a transfer student. I am 25 years old, which is important for folks to understand. I have been to a few community colleges throughout the state. Since high school, I was one of those overachieving high school students who wanted to do everything, taking AP classes, to concurrent enrollment. Like y’all where I come from, we have no access to this. So when I saw the opportunity to do something to better myself and grow intellectually, I took them. So I started going to Los Angeles Harbor College and transferred to Santa Monica, then came up to the Bay Area, I went to Merritt College, Berkeley City College, eventually went back to Los Angeles and finished my community college credits at the Los Angeles Community College District, which is home to nine colleges. So think about UCSC with like 9, 10, colleges. But now this is Los Angeles. And you have the nine colleges spread throughout the county. And instead of having 20,000 students that UCSC has, the community college district has 250,000 students across LA County. As I was exiting, as I was in my last year, before transferring to a university, I saw this poster on the wall about student trustee elections coming up and you know, signing up to be part of the Board of Trustees in LACCD, which right now is the largest community college district in the nation. And it’s important to understand the magnitude of that district, because of the power it has our previous governor Jerry Brown, his first gig was in the community college district in Los Angeles. So I saw the poster. And at that time, I was a STEM major. I wanted to do neuroscience, I wanted to be a brain surgeon. And I ran; at the same time I was organizing in my community through the neighborhood council, police brutality, lack of educational resources, lack of food, people getting evicted, left and right. So I thought this is a great platform to run for, to organize the community college students who a lot of them live in their neighborhoods, they don’t live on campus. And we ran at that time. You know, the California budget had a surplus. The Los Angeles City budget had hella cannabis money, that in the past, cannabis was used to criminalize Black and brown people in Los Angeles. So I thought it was opportunity to use that platform and largest community college in the district to bring awareness to bring basic needs to make sure that the resources that the state has, whether it’s a city state or the state state has bring him back into the hands of the people.
And I thought it was going to be simple. You know, you go in there you represent people and at that time, I thought, okay, I feel good because I represent so many people. Right. But as soon as I got on the Board of Trustees, the chancellor tried to groom me. The trustees, who are politicians, these people have ran for state assembly. Some of them have ran for Board of Equalization. Some of them have ran for city council. So these are politicians that usually use that board as a stepping stool to the next position. Just before I got on that board, some other lady that was on that board had ran for state assembly. Then I left the board, one of my colleagues on the board, Mike Fong is now running for State Assembly. So these people use the Board of Trustees, not only to build power, but to use student funds, and to give them to their political allies to then run for higher office. So I saw that in the Los Angeles College, the Los Angeles Community College Board of Trustees, I saw how the chancellor would invite me to galas where it’s like in that gala is like developers, state senators, union leaders, funders, millionaires, Congress, members Chancellors, on one table, you know, speaking about our institutions, and how they’re going to use our institutions for their own benefit. And I just saw the greed, right, because here you have an indigenous undocumented student, poor student who all of a sudden had access to a budget that is $5 billion. And I had access to the spaces where those $5 billion are divided. And believe me, it is not students who are in those rooms. It is not janitors, it is not the people who are cleaning our rooms, that are making our dining hall food or community college, or working in our cafeterias. It is the people who are leading our district, it is people who are funding this politics and so having had that experience, I learned that our education system right now has been taken over, completely over by the people who are literally in the top 1%. In this country. Back in 2020. It was one of my last meetings before the pandemic in January. We had a meeting at my home college, East LA college. And these are general board meetings where we have the seven trustees and myself as a student trustee, plus the chancellor sitting on a […] big table with like big fancy chairs. And there’s an audience of at least 100 to 200 people depending on the meeting. And in that agenda, the chancellor had put an item to raise his own salary from $388,000 to over $500,000.
And believe me, it is not students who are in those rooms. It is not janitors, it is not the people who are cleaning our rooms, that are making our dining hall food or community college, or working in our cafeterias.”
Angelo Claure 17:34
Sounds awfully familiar. Right?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron 17:36
And what was way more familiar is that he was using this term that I think UCSC is very familiar with COLA, cost of living adjustment, right? He was putting on the agenda that is raise of like 100, something thousand dollars was due to COLA to a cost of living adjustments, right? So he was saying, I am poor with $388,000 a year in Los Angeles. So I need a cost of living adjustment of around $150,000, over the next four or five years. And I made sure that when it was my time to speak, I exposed not only the corruption, but sent a message to the board of trustees that if they were going to vote yes on that contract, that we’re not only going to bring shame to the students, but to the 11 million constituents in LA County, who get to vote for them. So after my term ended, my term ended in June 2020. In November, there was a an election to replace the Board of Trustees, right. I got a high school football coach, I got a city of Los Angeles Neighborhood Empowerment worker, I got a homelessness service provider, and a former Community College student and college student who grew up in the projects, who is now leading one of the Freedom Schools to run. So we had four people who were from the community make a challenge to the Board of Trustees in Los Angeles and the election. The Los Angeles Times. Local news covered our campaign and we were only able to fundraise like $2,000, when the incumbents had to spend $4 million to keep students off the board of trustees. And that just I feel like prepared me for the level of greed that I’m going to face here at UCSC. And budgets are not too different. You know, at UCSC we have about 980, 936 million [dollar] operating budget. Back in the day I oversaw a $1 billion budget with like 4 billion in bond money, construction money. So I am familiar with the institution, I am familiar with how chancellors also work to divide and conquer. One experience that is fresh in my mind about divide and conquer is one time, we were having a general board meeting with at Trade Tech College, one of our biggest colleges. And again, these are meetings where you have hundreds of people in the audience. I usually get there late to the meetings, because the first 20-30 minutes is like, Pledge of Allegiance, politicians, scratching each other’s backs, just, you know, doing political stuff that to me, I did not have the stomach for it.
Because they did that, to distract the community, from the millions, they’re about to steal right through a legal means, interestingly enough. So at that time, the chancellor or the Board of Trustees withheld the meeting. So for me to get there in time for the Pledge of Allegiance, and they had a student veteran, come and lead the Pledge of Allegiance and in practice with my beliefs, I did not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. And a few days later, I hosted a meeting where all the student body presidents from throughout the district come together and like, come up with ideas and solutions for district wide problems. The student veteran that they asked to do the pledge of allegiance at general board meeting came to my committee meeting to start a petition to remove the student trustee from his position because I wouldn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. Right. And I saw, you know, and I saw what was going on, it was the chancellor, the board president and the trustees, who I was exposing, because in that meeting, we were going to talk about the board pass, the metro board passes for students, that the Board of Trustees had given those hundreds of thousands of dollars to firms, political firms to go and negotiate with the metro board. But those people who are paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to get us the free Metro passes, didn’t show up to meetings, and still got paid. When I had told them, we could use those hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy the Metro passes for students instead of paying lobbying firms who are their friends, to go and do the work for students, or perhaps pay students to go to the board of Metro and demand free Metro passes. But anyway, at that meeting, where I was said, what I expose that the chancellor got the student veteran to come and basically try to embarrass me, and that as a result of that, I didn’t get embarrassed, I still didn’t stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. The Chancellor organized other students to come and protest me.
But the power of students is bigger, I think, than divide and conquer, because I really felt that that student didn’t understand where I was coming from, or why I would not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. So after the student made his comment in my committee meeting that I chaired, I thanked him for his for his time, and I asked him if he could join me in my office. After the meeting, which he did. When he came into my office, I shared a story about where I come from my mentors are and I meant it. I was mentored throughout high school by Lieutenant Nepomuceno, who was a 30 year — 20 year — Navy veteran […] who spent 30 years of his life in the Navy. I want to say, even patriotically fighting on behalf of all of us, because these are Filipino immigrants that did it not for any US agenda, but because they truly believed that we’re doing it for the right reasons. And they taught me the value that the Navy instills in you, which is honor, courage and commitment. So I shared with him one of my mentors, and I told him, I forgot the student veterans name it was like two years ago, but I told him when when the district provides housing, basic needs, and services to the homeless veteran students who come talk to me almost every meeting, about the lack of services, I will stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, because that means that we’re actually creating justice for all right, I refuse to talk about justice for all when we have people who fought for this country, sleeping outside of Los Angeles […] college, you know, sleeping in Skid Row. And I told him, I actually encourage you to join me in standing up to the Board of Trustees. Because they’re using us, they’re using you they’re using me, to fight about symbolic things when the actual change lies in the Board of Trustees, and they are not doing anything to support you to support veterans or any of our students. Right. So after that meeting, the student veteran and I decided to work together and do some more research to make sure we do advocacy on behalf of student veterans. So that prepared me I say, all of that, like having had experiences with divide and conquer people in power. You know, and even just the politics outside of that, I think, prepares me for this post, right. And already, I can see the divide and conquer, and who administration is choosing to work with and who are not, because that’s also another tool that they use to divide and conquer. They’ll choose certain students who agree with them to work with, and then they’ll isolate other students. But, you know, I think we have a pretty good solution for all of that.
Angelo Claure 25:53
Sounds like you’re more than ready, more than experienced, you’ve seen it almost. As an institution that, you know, championing inclusivity and social justice. I’d also want to ask, how has your experience been as a Brown student on campus?
They put Black faces, they put brown faces on these pamphlets for recruitment. But it’s only for that.”
Alfredo Gama Salmeron
Yeah. Thank you so much for that question. I actually feel that my experiences are, you know, it’s interesting, because there’s always the experiences that the institution wants to put out, they put Indigenous faces, they put Black faces, they put brown faces on these pamphlets for recruitment. But it’s only for that. Because once we get in here, you have racist professors. The first one I encountered was … in the Legal Studies Department. And at that time, she was teaching a legal studies course. And I couldn’t fathom the erasure of Indigenous people in her course. And then at that time, I also had an accommodation that was stemming out of the, I want to say, violent curriculum she was putting, when she disregarded the accommodation and disregarded the TA that was advocating for my accommodation. So right away from the first time I got into a class, I saw the entitlement, white professors have in the institution because they’re protected. Right? A lot of these are tenure track professors who you can’t really do anything about because, you know, there’s no accountability, to just even the lack of access for students with disabilities, a lot of Indigenous students, a lot of African American students, a lot of Brown students come to the institution with disabilities, because of the traumas that we faced or just disabilities that we’re born with.
And this campus is not equipped to provide services for any of the services that students with special needs have the events on campus, a lot of them I think, are, are pretty I want to say, tone deaf, you know, you have you have Indigenous students who don’t feel comfortable going into the American Indian Resource Center, because it’s been co opted, it’s been taken over by people who will want to acknowledge indigenous land and take over indigenous spaces, but don’t respect Indigenous people. Right? They disconnect the land from the people, they will acknowledge certain tribes, who have for a lot of them have long since disappeared, or whose members remain at low numbers, right? When you have a plethora of Indigenous students who are of Mexican, who are of Guatemalan, and who are of Central American descent, whose ancestors have been traveling to this land for centuries, right, who are treated as immigrants and others. So I think a lot of it is done strategically, because if you do acknowledge all the Indigenous students on campus as who they are, then you’d have to provide them all the resources. But right now they’re choosing to only acknowledge certain groups, because those groups don’t have any political power or the numbers. So yeah, that’s been my experience. I see through the performance that UCSC likes to put out there for funding or recruitment. Right. But yeah, I think one thing that I want to make clear is that this institution is I want to say a continuation of the University of California. This institution was founded on genocide; one of our first law schools was UC Hastings, the man who it’s named after, Hastings, gave millions of dollars back in the day to literally exterminate Native Americans. Which is what the institution is doing now, through the erasure. It’s not doing it through Armed Forces anymore, because it’s not popular, but they’re doing it by erasing the Indigenous Mexican identity, the indigenous Guatemalan identity. So yeah, erasure is real. And I think that, you know, it’s time for not only acknowledging whose land we stand for, stand on, but returning that land. So I’m excited for that.
It’s been taken over by people who will want to acknowledge indigenous land and take over indigenous spaces, but don’t respect Indigenous people. Right? They disconnect the land from the people”
Angelo Claure
Thank you for your honesty. Appreciate that. What are your thoughts on the recent protests against the chancellor during the John Lewis celebration?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron
Thank you so much for that question. You know, I saw the, I think it was a program, and I think that protest was under the program for a call to action. Which is interesting, because usually protests are not part of programs. They’re not, they’re not scheduled to be part of a program that it’s planned or prepared. Right. So to me that was interesting to see that a protest was part of a program to open up for John Lewis. And I say it’s interesting, because I’ve met John Lewis, I’ve talked with John Lewis, I’ve actually been mentored by the people who John Lewis worked with back when he was my age. Right, I joined the Freedom Schools back when I was 18, through the Children’s Defense Fund, who is founded by Miss Marian Edelman. Miss Edelman was the first Black woman in Mississippi to be admitted into the bar. And that time in the 60s 70s, she was using her law degree, to advise MLK, and to advise other student organizers and the people who were underground, about nonviolent civil actions. And just a few years ago, before the pandemic, I got to meet Representative Lewis, and got to hear the stories of the non violent civil rights era. And I am grateful for that experience, because through that lens is how I was able to take this recent protest, which I think was impactful in that it allowed a wider audience to see what happened, what is going on at UCSC, not only not only informed students who are already going through the experiences of like meal plan reductions and housing increases, you know, and it’s good awareness, because a lot of students don’t know about that. But it’s also good awareness to the community.
One thing that John Lewis taught me is that we need to unite everyone, he was part of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, which, in that summer, organized mostly white students to come to the Southern freedom schools, with the leadership of Black people to make sure that, well, voter registration efforts are going on. White terrorism is going on, children are kept safe, you know, in porches and backyards. You know, during that time, there was like white students that got murdered or Black people that got murdered, because of wanting to just register people to vote. So I do think that the spirit that the protest was, was impactful that it brought awareness, I just feel that in the eyes of administration, it could be seen as a performance, because they’re not giving the students who spoke any actual power, right? I wish that the students who spoke were recruited into some type of committee or body that actually gives them decision making power into where university funds are going. If I recall, part of what the students were advocating for were the UCSC BSU demands, right? You know, which is, I think, you know, simple things like creating more mental health resources for Black students. It’s basically simple things as divesting from a system of policing that, right now, focuses on the aftermath of violence, but not really preventing violence. You know, they’re talking about providing three full time queer and trans friendly psychologists, they’re talking about designation of ABC themed housing for ABC students without guaranteed housing. We have students. Right now, I live in house seven, which is the Rosa Parks, African American team housing. We have students who are Black and could not get into Black housing or Black themed housing when those spaces were created for them. Addressing those issues, specifically, the BSU-led demands, I think were the most important things that came out of that protest, the awareness. I think the students who spoke Ray and […] were amazing. And in expressing their demands, I saw the students who were in front of them showing solidarity. I think their actions were, I want to say bold, because they were right in front of administration, and in front of the UC president, so I think those actions were bold. I just feel that the administration does not take our demands serious because already the space was created as a performance for administration, which was using students, because I haven’t learned of any actual power the administration granted to those students who courageously spoke who dedicated their time. So unless the administration actually gives them any power, or adheres to the demands, the administration has used them, essentially as a performance for the audience they brought for the inauguration of the college. But yeah, my friends were there. Unfortunately, I think at that time, I wasn’t feeling too well. I think that when I first started getting COVID, but yeah, it was, it was an amazing experience to see it on Instagram and seeing other students united from different organizations. But yeah, I think that hopefully, the students who lead that protest are respected and they’re actually given decision making power, and their demands that will benefit our students are, are actually done, or else it’s going to bring, I want to say shame administration that they only did that for performance and not to actually give students any power.
Unless the administration actually gives them any power, or adheres to the demands, the administration has used them, essentially as a performance for the audience they brought for the inauguration of the college.”
Angelo Claure
All right, Fredo, thank you very much for all these stories, experiences, ideas. I’m glad you came in for this interview. One last thing, do you have any messages you want to portray to the folks any ways to reach you if people have you know, problems or solutions, ideas that could reach you?
Alfredo Gama Salmeron
Thank you so much for that question, Angela. And thank you so much for your time. And thank you, everyone for listening to me today. I know sometimes I can go on many stories. But the main thing I want to leave people [with] today is that before the pandemic, a lot of us could not picture a world outside of exploitation outside of homelessness, a lot of us were exhausted. Then we saw a world where the pandemic changed. Everyone, you know, we made we pressured the government to listen to the plight of oppressed peoples across the country. 2020, summer of 2020, I think a lot of it was experienced, what the power of people can do, where people took out into the streets, after decades, centuries of violence. And I think now that we’re coming out of the pandemic, it is an opportunity to seize a moment. So we don’t go back to normal. We saw that the world can change in the span of months. Why can’t we do it? Not because of a disease because of little organisms that are coming into our bodies? Why can’t we be the organisms, the people, to be that good force, instead of it being COVID, we should be a new force. That is not a disease, but it’s more of a cure. You know, not only for this, this institution, but for the state. And we know that California is the Sunshine State, we know what wherever, whatever we do, the Country Follows. In the University of California, we have the platform, you know, we are quote unquote, the top 10% of students in California, at UCSC. We are I want to say not only the top 10%. But the most creative, the most resilient, and the cutest, to be honest, because we have amazing people on campus. So we have charisma, we have the intelligence and we have the passion. And we can put all that passion into a collective organization, which is why I’m asking people if you want to create change, if you want to join a group of people. There is a party now the politically, active, reignited, transformative, young. That is bringing not only students but street youth, workers, Labor Day workers, academics, faculty, in union and in solidarity to bring this change that is time sensitive. and effective. Everyone is welcome. If you do want to join and stay in contact, hit me up on Instagram. The link is on my bio for the party contact info. If you go to @ucsc.fredo on Instagram, you’ll find us there and we’ll stay connected. Thank you all so much. I appreciate, I love everyone who is tuning in, and especially you Angelo, thank you so much for your time.
We have charisma, we have the intelligence and we have the passion.”
Angelo Claure
Thank you for your time. That was the wise and honest words of Alfredo Gama Salmeron, president elect, thank you for tuning in. Till next time.