By Jennifer Satow
Band History
From the California based rock/alternative band “Sitting on Stacy”, comes their new single, “Dinner Party”. “Sitting on Stacy” is a Southern California based punk/alternative/rock band formed in 2013 by members Hoyt Yeatman, Kyle Hart, and Trevor Smith. All the members are currently in college, but this hasn’t stopped them from making music and winning awards. They’ve won numerous Battle of the Band competitions as well as an iHeart Radio competition for a spot at Kaaboo Del Mar 2018. They’ve opened for Puddle of Mudd, Unwritten Law, Smash Mouth, and Hockey Dad, etc. as well as headlining numerous shows.
Review of “Dinner Party”
“Dinner Party” begins with a layered harmony that quickly transitions into a ska bass line backed by a classic punk rock drum beat. The vocals enter, Yeatman belts out the lyrics while Hart intersperses an energetic “woohoo!”. As the chorus starts, kicked off by an emphatic “1, 2, 3, go!”, the melody changes into more of an electric guitar forward classic alt punk sound. The song continues like this until it gets to the guitar solo, after which Yeatman breaks it down with an emotional verse as the harmonies ring in the background. The song builds until the end, where Yeatman ends the lyrics with an almost scream-o-sounding cacophony of “yeahs” and “yeows”, and the instruments round off the song with the alt punk melody.
“Dinner Party” is much like their other songs, upbeat and fun to listen, dance, and jam out to. It brings back their infamous ska sound but keeps it modern by mixing ska and punk melodies in the same track.
The single cover is much like the song, wild and fun, as it has all three members in a field fighting a giant goat that is shooting lasers from its eyes into a city. The colors are extremely saturated, bright neon pinks, oranges, and light blues making up most of the colors in the image. There is also a King Kong-esqe plane shooting at the goat and a winged fork. Like I said. Wild and fun.
“Sitting on Stacy” just finished touring on October 2nd, but had three bonus shows in California at the end of October. One of their three shows was here in Santa Cruz, at the Catalyst on October 26th, their other two being in Bakersfield on 10/25 at Temblor Brewing Company and Ventura on 10/27 at Ventura Music Hall.