The week of January 29th brings upon us a very heavy slew of metal. Arguably the best record to drop so far, Vertikal sees Cult of Luna further themselves as the leaders in the post metal genre. I thought it was pretty darn tootin’ too.
Also brutalize our eardrums is Maelstrom’s newest record It Was Predestined and Ancient VVisdom’s (yep, that’s two V’s) Deathlike, who are actually playing at Slim’s in San Francisco on February 9th. If you like good music, which I’m sure you do since you’re reading this, why not check them out? I promise your ears will only bleed a little bit.
1 CULT OF LUNA Vertikal Density
2 MAELSTROM It Was Predestined Itchy Metal
3 ANCIENT VVISDOM Deathlike Prosthetic
4 GLORIA MORTI Lateral Constraint
1 VOIVOD Target Earth Century Media
2 HOLY GRAIL Ride The Void Prosthetic
3 CORSAIR Corsair Shadow Kingdom
4 LIGHTNING SWORDS OF DEATH Baphometic Chaosivm Metal Blade
5 SLAM ONE DOWN Who Really Wants To Live Forever Pour One Out
6 GAMMA RAY Skeletons And Majesties Eagle Rock
7 INCITE All Out War Minus Head
8 HELLOWEEN Straight Out Of Hell The End
9 NIGHTFALL Cassiopeia Metal Blade
10 CRASHDIET The Savage Playground Frontiers