Brootalisk’s Top Ten Loud Rock Albums of 2013
When each year is over, I'm always at a loss for how to summarize what a phenomenal year it's been for metal, and 2013 was no different. It was the first year ever that a metal album was named the…
When each year is over, I'm always at a loss for how to summarize what a phenomenal year it's been for metal, and 2013 was no different. It was the first year ever that a metal album was named the…
Since everyone is doing it, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon (that's what all the cool kids are doing, right?) and share the ten albums in 2013 that have made me change my booty shorts more than I'd like…
On the fateful day of Friday March 22nd, a dramatic event that has shaken and reverberated across the entire metal community occurred: the line up at this years Summer Slaughter Festival was announced. Hordes upon hordes of furious metal…
2012 has brought upon us mere mortals some fantastic records. Big name bands, like Gojira, Enslaved, and Neurosis, have all presented amazing, high quality full length features that are sure to be regarding by some as instant classics, perhaps even…