I have often been on the air late night here @ KZSC. After 10 pm, radio station have been given what the FCC refers to as “Safe-Harbor Hours”, where DJs are allowed to play content of a more adult nature. Though I am quite happy to spin things that may challenge views on race, politics, religion, drugs, sexuality and even music, there are a few things I will not broadcast. One of those things is not airing content that supports violence against the police or content which suggests that they do violence against themselves. Though I feel no need to argue my point, I will tell you a short story that goes back to a time when Ronald Reagan was not yet president. I once met a blind Polish American lawyer who could play one hell of a mean piano. He was also a very wise man who saw deeply into life without the need of sight. We got to talking about the role of police in society, saying he should be the police and I should be the police. He said that unless you are willing to be the police, to do that job, please think carefully before criticizing them. They do things everyday that you and I would never do even if we had someone else’s ten-foot pole with which to do it. It’s a tough, dangerous job that must be done since all societies produce addicted, deranged, obsessed & insane people willing to do anything. The police are on a thin blue line for us. Next time you hear someone bitching about the cops, ask them to apply for the job.