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Best Album Artwork of 2012

We've all been told not to judge a book by its cover, but what about albums? Imagine walking in to your local record store, pumped to flip through bins and let your eyes scan over the endless possibilities for a new…

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Ship of Fools

Ship of Fools may make you think of a Grateful Dead song or a song from The Doors, but the history behind this 3-word phrase is really quite amazing. It first appears in 1494 as a book, Das Narrenschiff, written…

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Reminder on PSA Guidelines

As KZSC's Public Service Announcement Director I receive piles of emails every day. Just like tofu, the easier your submission is to digest, the faster you'll hear it on the air. Here are some of the basic points when sending…

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UCSC Student Open House @ KZSC

KZSC has space for new UCSC student volunteers. No experience is needed (we provide the training), so if you're a UCSC Student with a passion for music, sports, talk radio and/or pizza, then a KZSC's Student Open House Event is…

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Pickin' On The Porch Taken With Instagram

Website Update

Love our Instagram pictures we've been posting to our Facebook page? All of them are available for viewing on the KZSC website. Just look on the right hand side of our homepage, under the "RECENT TRACKS" and click the Instagram…

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A Midsummer Radio Dream

Here on the campus of UCSC, Shakespeare Santa Cruz still has a bit more than three weeks left for this marvelous festival before things wrap up on August 26th, & we here at KZSC still have a full 2 months…

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Change is in the Air!

Hi Everyone, As the school year comes to a close, it's time for the next generation of genre directors to take the reigns. My name is Nicholas (Nikki) Mokover, and I am currently interning with Jacqueline Culas for the Jazz…

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