Universal Grapevine 11/1/2011
Guest Nina Simon discusses the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History and Meg Sandow discusses the Homeless Garden Project.
Guest Nina Simon discusses the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History and Meg Sandow discusses the Homeless Garden Project.
Kai and Richard talk about Barney Frank's retirement, Harvey Milk's assasination anniversary, Salvation Army, and LGBT people in military.
It's Transgender Day of Rememberance, Kai and Richard talk news (Lawrence King Trial), community calendar and announcements.
Guest: Joanne Linville discusses the topics of her book "Seven Steps to and Acting Craft."
Janice O'Driscoll and Pete Cullen talk with host Bruce Bratton about Santa Cruz Public Library and Friends of SC Public Libraries. Felicia Rice, director manager of Digital Arts and New Media Program at UCSC discusses her work.
Kai and Richard talk about election results, Veteran's Day, Dan Savage glitterbomb, and gay penguins.
Interview with Jane Schnickwrazh about the 60+ social events at the Diversity Center, aging issues in the LGBT community, and upcoming events for seniors.
Guest Adam Pickler discusses CA legislative update. Community calendar and announcements, LGBT news and public affairs.
Donna Mekis and Peter McGettiga discuss Croatia and documentary filmmaking. Davis Banta talks about the "True West" play.
Brian Spencer and Al Muller discuss See Theatre play, "The Letters." Snider talks about her ceramics show for Open Studios.
Christopher Krohn discusses UCSC's environmental studies internship program. Rita Bottoms talks about her book Riffs & Ecstasies.
Angelo Grona and Rose Sellery talk about the fashion show at the Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium. Jim Emdy discusses opera and performing arts in Northern California.
Bill Parkin, Mary James and Chad Davies talk land use regulation and the Jewel Theatre Company.
Dan Harder, Sara Wilbourne and Meg Dandow join Bruce Bratton for a discussion of the Santa Cruz City Museum and Tandy Beal's "Hereafterhere" play.
Wilma Bonet talks the San Francisco mime troupe, and Susana Waddell discusses the Pajaro Valley Arts Council Show.
Rob Blitzer talks about the Blitzer Art Gallery, and Audrey Stanley discusses Shakespeare Santa Cruz.
Interview with Jana Marcus about the Bookshop Santa Cruz event in support of the book, "Transfigurations". National coming out day events. LGBT public affairs, news and community calendar.
Sean Van Sommeran, Emily Glanville discuss Pelagic Shark research foundation; Save Our Shores
Micheal Warren, Sue Heinz talk Shakespeare SC; Tarot, Astrology and Quabalah
Ellen Primack and Anita Monera talk Cabrillo Fest, Of Montemporary Music; Sf Silent Film Festival